How We Holiday

Camp Quest staff answer the question: “How do you holiday?”

  • “Big Thanksgiving and Christmas-time meals.”
  • “Snowball fights.”
  • “My family celebrates the traditional humanist Seinfieldian holiday of Festivus. We don’t do feats of strength, but we exchange gifts on the 23rd instead of the 25th and make a point of watching the episode as a family. We also still have a nativity scene held over from before we were humanists, so we have fun hiding secular action figures inside of it.”
  • “We always get each other an ornament for the Christmas tree each year. The tree is used as a way to represent us, our love, and our understanding of each other. We also put on the Rifftrax versions of the Twilight movies while we decorate the tree, moving to the next movie in the series each year. It combines our love of humor and making fun of conventionally popular things. We’ve found ways to shift the focus of the holiday away from religion and more towards the love we have for each other. That’s why it’s my favorite holiday!”
  • “I spend it with friends and family.” ❤️❤️❤️
  • “My husband and I have been exchanging ornaments on Christmas Eve since our first Christmas together. We even managed to continue the tradition while he was deployed. I hope we can continue this tradition for the rest of our lives.”
  • “When my mom first told me what the winter solstice was, she described it as the shortest day and longest night of the year. Small child me thought that if it was the shortest day we would wake up and it would already be nighttime. That is where my family’s tradition of breakfast for dinner on the winter solstice comes from. It acts as a smaller Christmas style gathering, with aspirations for next year like a New Year’s party, and with plenty of delicious breakfast foods like a thanksgiving dinner. All of the holidays smooshed together in a way just celebrated by my family.”
  • “I bake cookies with my grandma.”
  • “Chinese food and Mystery Science Theater 3000 Christmas episodes!”

How do you holiday? Tell us on Facebook or Instagram!