Spotlight on Brooke: Shaping Futures at Camp Quest Ohio

Head shot of Brooke smiling in front of solid gray background.

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Brooke, the Program Director for Camp Quest Ohio, to discuss her journey and the impact of Camp Quest on her life. Brooke’s story is a testament to the transformative power of Camp Quest, and we’re excited to share some highlights from our conversation as she heads into the camp season and visits several Camp Quest camps including Texas, Ohio, North, Michigan, and Northwest.

Confidence and Growth Through Camp Quest

When asked about the most ‘Camp Quest’ thing about her, Brooke highlighted her sense of confidence. Discovering Camp Quest at the age of 12 on Facebook, she made the decision to attend on her own initiative. This self-directed choice became a cornerstone of her journey, leading her to progress through various roles from camper to program coordinator, and now, Program Director

Brooke emphasized how each role brought additional duties and responsibilities that nurtured her skills and knowledge, which she will continue to utilize in her current role with Camp Quest.

Striving for Inclusivity and Self-Awareness

Interestingly, Brooke acknowledges that she still holds onto some societal biases when meeting new people—something she continues to work on, with the hope that Camp Quest can help her overcome these judgments. It’s this self-awareness and commitment to personal growth that truly embodies the spirit of Camp Quest.

Passion for Positive Impact

Brooke’s passion for Camp Quest is deeply rooted in the significant impact it has had on her life. She believes that without Camp Quest, she would be a completely different person. Beyond her personal growth, Brooke is motivated by the positive changes she sees in campers. Despite the challenges kids face today, she finds hope and inspiration in their resilience and growth at Camp Quest.

Advocating for Change

Outside of Camp Quest, Brooke is proud of her ability to ask questions and advocate for change. She shared a story from her internship where she proposed renaming an event to be more inclusive. Her courage to speak up and suggest improvements, even in the face of opposition, is a trait she has carried from her school days, where she often stood up against injustices imposed upon students.

Creating Connections and Core Memories

One of Brooke’s favorite things to do at camp is connecting with shy or struggling campers. She finds immense joy in helping these kids feel integrated and valued, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. A core memory for Brooke is receiving her Leadership Training bead, which validated her ability to successfully interact and make meaningful connections with others—a new and cherished feeling for her.

Brooke’s journey from camper to Program Director at Camp Quest Ohio is a powerful story of personal growth, advocacy, and the positive impact of a supportive community. Her experiences and insights are an inspiration to all current and future campers and counselors.